
    Presidency Small Causes Court, Calcutta

    After receiving Dewani from the Moghuls and pursuant to issuance of Crown’s Charter the dispensation of justice in the British Indian locality was streamlined and hierarchy of Dewani and fauzdari adalats were created. In the Presidency towns of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras Presidency Small Cause Courts were established by the Charter of King George the Second, dated 8th January 1753. The jurisdiction of these courts were governed by various enactments and orders such as acts IX of 1850 which was remodeled by Act XXVI of 1864 and finally consolidated by passage of Act XV of 1882. Accordingly these courts are the oldest Courts established on request of European traders under name and style of Calcutta Trader’s Association as Court of Requests with initial pecuniary jurisdiction of Rs. 100/= only. These courts are governed by the provisions of Presidency Small Cause Courts Act 1882 and Presidency Small Cause Courts Manual 1882. These courts have resemblance with English County Courts. These courts are left to a great extent untouched by the subsequent legislations till date.